New to Shambhala?

Shambhala is an international community of urban meditation and rural retreat centers founded by the Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and now led by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. Learn about our vision, lineage & community. More →

Ongoing Offerings

Our centre offers a rich array of ongoing offerings free to the public including weekly public sitting meditation hours and dharma talks. No prior meditation experience required to attend.  All are welcome. More →

Featured Programs

QiGong Poziom 4 - Żelazo i jedwab: wzmocnienie organizmu, oczyszczenie narządów wewnętrznych./ QiGong Level 4 - Iron and Silk: Strengthening the Body, Cleansing the Internal Organs.

June 22nd—June 23rd

Program jedynie dla absolwentów QiGong 3 w tradycji Evy Wong. The program only for graduates of QiGong 3 in the tradition of Eva Wong. Continue »

Sadhana Mahamudry - tygodniowe odosobnienie medytacyjne (weekthun)/ Sadhana of Mahamudra Weeklong retreat

with Sarah Coleman

October 4th—October 12th

W tym tygodniu intensywnej medytacji będziemy zgłębiać nauki Sadhany Mahamudry - termy Chogyama Trungpy Rinpoche. Continue »