Neurobiologia Przebudzenia. Jak przyspieszyć nasz rozwój psychologiczny i duchowy - warsztat weekendowy

sobota 23 listopada 2024 (09:00 -18:00)
niedziela 24 listopada 2024 (09:00 -16:00)
Nauczyciel : Fleet Maull
Koordynator : Piotr Górski
(normalny) : PLN350
(czlonkowie Shambhali) : PLN315
(early bird ) : PLN300

For English scroll down

Zapraszamy na warsztat weekendowy pod tytułem:

"Neurobiologia Przebudzenia. Jak przyspieszyć nasz rozwój psychologiczny i duchowy".

Warsztat jest kontynuacją wykładu z 15 listopada.

Podczas warsztatu odkryjemy jak dzięki głęboko ucieleśnionemu i integralnemu podejściu do medytacji i rozwoju osobistego, opartemu na starożytej nauce jogi, klasycznych praktykach medytacyjnych i spostrzeżeniach współczesnej neurobiologii, zintensyfikować nasz rozwój psychologiczny i duchowy.

Dokładny opis  (na razie po angielsku, pracujemy nad polskim tłumaczeniem):

Join Roshi Fleet Maull, PhD, for a Unique Exploration into the Neuroscience of Awakening and Cellular Vitality

Unlock the science and wisdom of true awakening with Roshi Fleet Maull, PhD, a renowned meditation teacher and social activist, in this transformative program. Through an introduction to Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness (NSM), participants will explore a deeply embodied approach to meditation that not only strengthens key neural networks associated with awakening but also promotes healing, well-being, and vitality at the cellular level.

NSM is a revolutionary, neuroscience-informed practice that enhances a set of neural networks in the brain that have been called the "enlightenment network"—a collection of neural networks foundational to achieving states of awakening, resilience, well-being, compassion, and even bliss. By activating and strengthening these networks, NSM offers profound benefits for mental clarity and spiritual growth, as well as for healing trauma and enhancing physical health & well-being:

  1. The Self-Regulation Network - Helps stabilize emotions, supporting resilience and emotional well-being.
  2. The Attention Network - Cultivates focused awareness, building mental clarity and reducing distraction.
  3. The Task-Positive Network - Regulates the default mode network, quieting mental chatter and deepening mindfulness.
  4. The Empathy Network - Expands the capacity for compassion and connection, enhancing relationships.

Healing Trauma and Restoring Cellular Health
Beyond its impact on the mind, NSM reaches into the body’s cells, promoting healing from past traumas and enhancing health at the cellular level. Recent insights from quantum science and cellular biology have shown that practices like NSM can aid in repairing and revitalizing the mitochondria—the powerhouse of the cells—leading to improved vitality, resilience, and well-being. Through the deeply embodied nature of NSM, participants learn to release trauma stored in the body, unlocking pathways to healing that increase health and cellular vitality, leading to greater energy and overall wellness.

Friday Evening Lecture
Roshi Maull will introduce participants to the neuroscience of awakening and the healing potential of NSM, offering insights into how meditation can repair neural and cellular health. This evening talk prepares attendees for the weekend’s immersive experience, sharing the science and wisdom behind each neural network.

Weekend Workshop
Through a blend of meditation, breathwork, and mindful movement, the Saturday and Sunday workshop will provide practical tools to apply NSM’s trauma-healing and vitality-enhancing practices. This experiential workshop blends traditional meditation from Eastern traditions with cutting-edge neuroscience and cellular science, guiding participants toward cellular revitalization and a state of embodied well-being.

This program is open to both seasoned meditators and beginners. Reserve your spot at the Shambhala Center of Krakow and embark on a journey into the Neuroscience of Awakening and Healing.


Nauczyciel: Fleet Maull

Fleet Maull

Dr Fleet Maull, jest założycielem i dyrektorem generalnym Heart Mind Institute, Windhorse Seminars & Consulting, a także starszym partnerem i dyrektorem New Line Consulting. Jest certyfikowanym profesjonalnym nauczycielem uważności IMTA i starszym nauczycielem w tradycji tybetańskiej Shambhala oraz Roshi (mistrz Zen) w międzynarodowej Społeczności Zen Peacemakers. W tej ostaniej tradycji jest jednym z organizatorów i wieloletnim uczestnikiem odosobnień Bearing Witness w byłym niemieckim nazistowskim obozie koncentracyjnym i zagłady Auschwitz-Birkenau

Odsiadując 14 lat w federalnym więzieniu wyrok za przemyt narkotyków (1985 - 1999), Fleet był współzałożycielem pierwszego programu hospicjów wewnątrzwięziennych na świecie i uruchomił dwa narodowe ruchy: więzienny ruch hospicyjny za pośrednictwem National Prison Hospicjum oraz więzienny ruch Dharmy/uważności poprzez Prison Dharma Network i Prison Mindfulness Institute. Obecnie w Stanach Zjednoczonych istnieje ponad siedemdziesiąt pięć programów więziennego hospicjum i kilkaset więziennych projektów i programów Dharmy oraz więziennej uważności.


Sobota  - zajęcia 9:00-18:00, Niedziela - 9:00-16:00  

Miejsce: adres programu zostanie podany wkrótce


Erly Bird do 5 listopada - 300zł

Cena regularna (od 6 listopada) - 350zł

Osoby wspierające Shambhala Kraków regularnymi składkami - 10% zniżki

Zniżki: w szczególnych wypadkach możliwość uzgodnienia innej wysokości opłaty lub rozłożenia jej na raty.

Wpłacając z dopiskiem "darowizna na cele kultu religijnego" można kwotę odliczyć przy rozliczeniu podatkowym. 


Shambhala Kraków
Alior Bank S.A. O/Kraków
98 2490 0005 0000 4500 8581 0440


"The Neuroscience of Awakening"

How to accelerate our psychological and spiritual evolution with a deeply embodied and integral approach to meditation and personal evolution, grounded in ancient yogic science, classic meditation practcies, and the insights of current neuroscience.

Join Roshi Fleet Maull, PhD, for a Unique Exploration into the Neuroscience of Awakening and Cellular Vitality

Unlock the science and wisdom of true awakening with Roshi Fleet Maull, PhD, a renowned meditation teacher and social activist, in this transformative program. Through an introduction to Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness (NSM), participants will explore a deeply embodied approach to meditation that not only strengthens key neural networks associated with awakening but also promotes healing, well-being, and vitality at the cellular level.

NSM is a revolutionary, neuroscience-informed practice that enhances a set of neural networks in the brain that have been called the "enlightenment network" - a collection of neural networks foundational to achieving states of awakening, resilience, well-being, compassion, and even bliss. By activating and strengthening these networks, NSM offers profound benefits for mental clarity and spiritual growth, as well as for healing trauma and enhancing physical health & well-being:

  1. The Self-Regulation Network - Helps stabilize emotions, supporting resilience and emotional well-being.
  2. The Attention Network - Cultivates focused awareness, building mental clarity and reducing distraction.
  3. The Task-Positive Network - Regulates the default mode network, quieting mental chatter and deepening mindfulness.
  4. The Empathy Network - Expands the capacity for compassion and connection, enhancing relationships.

Healing Trauma and Restoring Cellular Health
Beyond its impact on the mind, NSM reaches into the body’s cells, promoting healing from past traumas and enhancing health at the cellular level. Recent insights from quantum science and cellular biology have shown that practices like NSM can aid in repairing and revitalizing the mitochondria—the powerhouse of the cells—leading to improved vitality, resilience, and well-being. Through the deeply embodied nature of NSM, participants learn to release trauma stored in the body, unlocking pathways to healing that increase health and cellular vitality, leading to greater energy and overall wellness.

Friday Evening Lecture
Roshi Maull will introduce participants to the neuroscience of awakening and the healing potential of NSM, offering insights into how meditation can repair neural and cellular health. This evening talk prepares attendees for the weekend’s immersive experience, sharing the science and wisdom behind each neural network.

Weekend Workshop
Through a blend of meditation, breathwork, and mindful movement, the Saturday and Sunday workshop will provide practical tools to apply NSM’s trauma-healing and vitality-enhancing practices. This experiential workshop blends traditional meditation from Eastern traditions with cutting-edge neuroscience and cellular science, guiding participants toward cellular revitalization and a state of embodied well-being.

This program is open to both seasoned meditators and beginners. Reserve your spot at the Shambhala Center of Krakow and embark on a journey into the Neuroscience of Awakening and Healing.


Dates: Saturday, November 23, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM & Sunday, November 24, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Location: will be announced soon

Dr. Fleet Maull is the Founder and CEO of Heart Mind Institute, Windhorse Seminars & Consulting, and Senior Partner and Director of New Line Consulting. He is a certified professional IMTA mindfulness teacher and senior teacher in the Tibetan Shambhala and Roshi (Zen master) traditions in the international Zen Peacemakers community. In this recent tradition, he is one of the organizers and a long-time participant of Bearing Witness retreats in the former German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau After serving 14 years in a federal prison on drug charges (1985-1999), Fleet co-founded the first in-prison hospice program in the world and launched two national movements: the prison hospice movement through the National Prison Hospice and the prison Dharma / mindfulness movement through the Prison Dharma Network and Prison Mindfulness Institute. There are currently over seventy-five prison hospice programs in the United States and several hundred prison Dharma and prison mindfulness projects and programs.